Have you ever planted a tree? If so, was it recently? In any case, the best time for planting one (or ten) is today.
Since we started creating our products in 2012, we have been using only linden wood. It is durable, flexible and, most importantly, beautiful. This wood has brought happiness (and light) to our clients’ homes through the carefully made lamps, clocks and other accessories by Paladim.
We found it fair to give back to Nature what we have taken from it – the linden trees. This weekend, with the help of some enthusiastic friends, we
planted five linden trees near a dam in the village of Logodazh (15km away from our workshop).
We hope that the saplings will grow huge and strong, so in a few years we can enjoy a nice cup of refreshing lime tea, while working on some of our
next projects. Then, when the time comes, we will transform those majestic plants into creative products and their life will not be lost.
It was a great day, we did a small gesture for nature and we had fun. What more could one possibly want? Do not hesitate and just go for it! It is time to
appreciate nature.
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